Workforce Training
The Workforce Development Center is committed to training for the future workforce. Working closely with the WIN Job Center and area businesses/industries, classes and curriculum are developed to provide short-term training for individuals seeking to enter the workforce or upgrade their skills. We keep abreast of current labor market trends to offer training that will meet the workforce needs in the community, as well as providing a marketable skill for individuals. View a complete list of Workforce Training courses here.
If you would like to register for a course please click the following link: Training Registration
Available To Business And Industry
Southwest Mississippi Community College meets the business/industry and community educational and training needs through a variety of continuing education courses and other services for the workforce. These courses are not applicable to the Associate of Arts degree, the Associate of Applied Science degree, or the Certificate of Completion, nor are they transferrable. They are usually established as a result of the job-specific needs. Southwest Mississippi Community College facilities and personnel are available to any group which has an educational training need on the community college level.
Although these short term specific training courses are non-credit and not applicable to a degree from the college, they are offered to supplement or provide continuing education and training programs within business and industry. These courses are specifically designed for the purpose of upgrading the knowledge and skills of current or prospective business and industry employees.
An individual, association, or business group desiring business or industry related continuing education or training programs should contact Workforce Development in the Regional Workforce Training Center (RWTC). Classes may be held at the RWTC or at the place of business if enough interest exists. There may be some entrance requirements for the Workforce training courses. Anyone desiring to enroll in these courses may register through Workforce Development in the RWTC.